This small light animation is done by me, mayur and his brother...
this is just to explore the light which kadu had bought in Mumbai, during TASI 2010. Mayur was doing the action, I was drawing his poses and his brother clicked images...
Lugu buru (Holiest place of tribes), I heard about this mountain in a folksong and prayers from village storytellers. I visited this wonderland on 17th Nov, after seen this I realized it is not only a giant hill, it has the spirit of our ancestors, steel can be hear their voices, sounds of hunting, drums and song.
One of most famous pilgrim of India, where people gathered from all over the world. The home of lord Jagannath, Subhadra and Balbhadra . the temple is less decorated then the Mukteshwar and Konark temlpe. I was not believing that I am really going to visit this holy city within a minute and will change my life and view. the statue of god is amazing and beautiful, so simplified that normal and highly learned people can easily relate with them, he is god of all leaving being on earth. he feeds all the creatures and humans. the beauty of that temple is its campus and garbhagriha. Lots of people rolling in the stairs of Puri temple and shashtanga salute to the gods, both sides priests and sages are performing the rituals and pind dan. beggars are also there in the temples people are giving them money, rice and fruit and bhogs animals are also the very blessed creature at Puri ,when we both ,Biswa Bikash and me were there people were cleaning the road all over the Puri , each and
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